Forschungsergebnisse zu Keto 2017 bisher


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14. Mai 2017
Hallo zusammen,

Ich wollte mich mal wieder über die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse respektive Studien zum Thema Keto informieren. Ich mache das für mich, aber ich kann es ja auch hier teilen, da einige mich nicht direkt betreffen. Bitte entschuldigt, aber ich möchte keine Übersetzungsfehler machen, weshalb ich in der Original-Sprache zitiere. Desweiteren zitiere ich selektiv, da es ja eine Zusammenfassung sein soll. Wie immer müssen solche Studien-Ergebnisse oder Meta-Studien mit der nötigen kritischen Brille (und nicht rosaroten Brille) angesehen werden. :nod:

25. Mai 2017, Krebs "KD significantly show increase in survival time mean and a clear trend of slower tumor growth in pancreatic, prostate, gastric, brain, lung cancer."

19. Mai 2017
1. Gewichtsverlust "To summarize, in rodents and humans, KD seem to have a benefit on weight loss, notably by increased energy expenditure in animals and decreasing food intake in humans. In humans, weight loss affects both fat mass and lean mass."
2. Fettleber "the effect of KD on the liver was mostly investigated in rodents. The results are rather negative, with induction of hepatic inflammation and NAFLD, but these findings have not been reported in humans."
3. Diabetes "in rodents, KD mostly induces insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, while in type 2 diabetic humans KD is associated with a better control in glucose homeostasis and a reduction in antidiabetic medications. Nevertheless, these improvements seem to be limited in time."
4. Fettstoffwechsel "The impact of KD on the lipid profile differs between rodents and humans. In rodents, KD seem to be associated with worsened levels of total, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. In humans, the opposite is reported."
5. Blutdruck "there is a clear lack of conclusive data on the potential beneficial effect of KD on arterial blood pressure and further studies are therefore needed."

19. Mai 2017 Herz-Kreislauf "The present study shows that KD may have therapeutic potential in mitochondrial hepatopathies, currently incurable disorders."

29. März 2017 Gedächtnis "In the present study, we found that KD treatment not only significantly enhanced spatial learning and memory in adult rats but also reversed the spatial memory impairment induced by hypobaric hypoxia."

12. März 2017 Sport "Long-term LCHF diets appear to be safe and may even improve several metabolic risk factors for chronic diseases in the general population. LCHF diets provide a promising way to help control body weight and fat mass while maintaining lean body mass in athletes engaged in weight-sensitive sports. There is emerging evidence that LCHF diets could be beneficial, particularly for performance in ultra-endurance sports. Their effect on field-based sports that require repeated high-intensity activities is also promising. It appears that at least several months of adaptation to a LCHF diet are required for the metabolic changes and restoration of muscle glycogen to occur."

27. Februar 2017 Fruchtbarkeit bei Frauen "This review found that reducing carbohydrate load can reduce circulating insulin levels, improve hormonal imbalance and resume ovulation to improve pregnancy rates compared to usual diet."

21. Februar 2017 Muskel "LCHF diet administration increased oxygen consumption in a muscle PGC-1α-dependent manner concomitant with a blunted transcriptional induction of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and impairment in exercise performance. These data reveal a new role for muscle PGC-1α in regulating the physiological adaptation to long-term LCHF diet administration."
"a LCHF diet induces beneficial health effects by increasing systemic oxidative metabolism"

6. Februar 2017 Autistische Spektrumstörungen "we show that metabolic therapy with a KD improves and can even reverse ASD-like behaviors in the MIA mouse model."

18. Januar 2017 Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency PDCD "The treatment had a positive effect mainly in the areas of epilepsy, ataxia, sleep disturbance, speech/language development, social functioning, and frequency of hospitalizations."

Falls ihr noch weitere interessante Studien kennt, bitte teilen :clap:. Besonders interessiert mich Keto im Zusammenhang mit Blutdruck, Herz-Kreislauf, Haut, Migräne und Schlaf.
2. Fettleber "the effect of KD on the liver was mostly investigated in rodents. The results are rather negative, with induction of hepatic inflammation and NAFLD, but these findings have not been reported in humans."

Heißt das so viel wie das keto bei Nagetieren mit Fettleber eher negative Auswirkungen hatte wie Leberentzündungen, aber nicht beim Menschen ?

3. Diabetes "in rodents, KD mostly induces insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, while in type 2 diabetic humans KD is associated with a better control in glucose homeostasis and a reduction in antidiabetic medications. Nevertheless, these improvements seem to be limited in time."

Das bei Nagetieren die Keto zu Insulinresistenz und Glukoseintoleranz führte ?

Wie sinnvoll ist es denn dann noch mit Nagetieren zu experimentieren ?

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