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Für diejenigen, die sich wundern, warum mit Diät Cola u.ä. nicht abnimmt und nicht in Ketose kommt:
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Wer es wissen will Blutketomessgerät kaufen.
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Hi again. I think i have solved the puzzle, at least for now. I have been drinking diet sodas and with my glucose meter it was all good. But however as i have turned every stone in my diet as to why my blood ketones only read 0,2mmol at the most. I did a expiriment.
I drank 0,5 litre of pepsi max, and tok a ketone reading every 15 minutes. As i suspected the ketones was dropping fast, and it took almost 6 hours to go back to the same level as it startet out.
I am sure for you veterans out there this is old news, i would apriciate if someone could tell me what exactly is the reason for this to happen?
Is there other "stuff" that will have the same effect on ketones?
I will do a test with coffe, cause i drink alot of black coffe.
Wer es wissen will Blutketomessgerät kaufen.