Get Moving. Movement of every type helps to feel relaxed and increase GABA. This includes HIIT, resistance training, walking, yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. Find what types of movement bring you joy and keep you active, and work toward making them a consistent part of your life.
Keep it Clean. You might be familiar with the term “dirty keto” and this definitely is not the way to increase GABA and harness keto’s therapeutic powers. I am a firm believer and advocate for a largely plant-based keto diet, so check out the 5
Dirty Keto Mistakes You Have Never Heard of to avoid this common pitfall.
Make Sure You Have Plenty of Magnesium. Getting plenty of magnesium-rich foods and considering supplementation if necessary is important for stimulation of GABA receptors. Zinc, taurine, and glutamine also work hand in hand with magnesium, so be sure to include high-quality animal foods along with plenty of dark, green leafy vegetables.
Hone in on Foods Rich in B6. Remember that the GAD enzyme requires B6 as a cofactor, so including grass-fed muscle and organ meats can be extremely helpful for promoting GABA production. Other foods high in B6 are fish, leafy green vegetables, avocado, poultry, and sunflower seeds.
Drink Green Tea. Along with its powerful fat-burning effects, the EGCG in green tea also stimulates GABA receptors and has been shown to have a sedative effect. Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation. AutophaTea is a potent combination of autophagy-boosting EGCG and whole fruit bergamot.
Perfect Your Supplement Plan. Certain herbs are known for their GABA-promoting benefits, particularly kava, valerian, skullcap, passionflower and lemon balm. These herbs and natural approaches to GABA production fit perfectly into a keto lifestyle but be sure to check in with your doctor if you are taking any medications or are concerned about medical conditions.
Support Your Microbiome. Without a healthy gut microbiome GABA production is almost guaranteed to be compromised, so taking measures to support microbiome balance is key. The gut microbiome plays an important role in converting glutamine and glutamic acid into GABA. Shoot for a serving daily of fermented foods like raw sauerkraut, kimchi or unsweetened kefir or kombucha tea. If you suspect an infection or other underlying gut condition, it’s important to work with an integrative practitioner to get to the root of the problem.
Take Collagen. Collagen contains glutamine, which creates the substrate for GABA, glutamate. Taking collagen as a
supplement can be incredibly supportive in many ways for your keto diet and lifestyle.